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Geplaatst: wo apr 06, 2005 8:48 pm
door carcajou
How come that I can't use an avatar ?

Has this functionality been disabled ?

It sucks. I've got a whole directory of animal thumbnails waiting in my /home/carcajou...... X'C

Geplaatst: do apr 07, 2005 7:31 am
door aveslacker
Carcajou schreef:How come that I can't use an avatar ?

Has this functionality been disabled ?

It sucks. I've got a whole directory of animal thumbnails waiting in my /home/carcajou...... X'C
Strangely, some people's avatars only show up as red x's on my screen...
Why is that?

Geplaatst: do apr 07, 2005 8:58 am
door Kowalczyk
aveslacker schreef:Strangely, some people's avatars only show up as red x's on my screen... Why is that?
Yeah - Carcajou's does. Don't know why...


Geplaatst: do apr 07, 2005 3:43 pm
door ajaxnumberone
Kowalczyk schreef:
ajaxnumberone schreef:

Does anyone know why this site is down ??? I want to download videos here, but they doesnt' work ! Pls help me ! I downloaded Johan Cruyff 50 years and many classic videos but lost them because my computer got troubles ! :aai: Thanks in advance :aai:
I read the statement on the homepage and it's so bizarre that I will translate it for you in its entirety...
Right, we've made it clear: we're calling it quits!!! Not because we don't enjoy doing it anymore, or because we don't constantly want to upload footage of games that we lost, but especially because of the injustice that's taking place at the moment.

In our eyes Koeman is not the one to blame, but the players, who can be blamed for a lot of things and they let their coach down. It's a bunch of spoiled brats. Take Sneijder, for example, who's still a baby but seems to think he's Mister Fantastic. And what about a tosser such as Van der Vaart, who only worries about scoring at home, with Sylvie, rather than scoring on the pitch.

We've had nothing but trouble in the past two years: arguments, Zlatan's sudden departure, the whole Trabelsi thing and - if you ask us - much more bollocks within the club the world never knew of. Not only on the pitch and within the technical staff, but also in the board, like the departure of Van Gaal.

A man of Koeman's reputation does not deserve this. He deserved more respect, but respect is something the current generation of spoiled little brats no longer seems to have. We love Ajax with our heart and soul, but we don't feel like it anymore this way.

We want to thank everyone who visited this site over the years. And to the ones who criticized us: remember that we always did it for free.

See ya, folks! We're pulling the plug!
Now is that bizarre or what...? I find it rather funny, actually... :D

It's so funny, What a pity ;) Does anyone have other sources to download ?

Geplaatst: do apr 07, 2005 4:55 pm
door Over Pasanens Head
Apparently to add a little spice to the event, Ladbrokes have opened a book on the impending Royal Wedding. Latest odds are:

Charles to stand Camilla up at the alter 25/1

Camilla to stand Charles up at the alter 40/1

William to conveniently "lose" the wedding ring 125/1

Mohamed el Fayeed to disrupt the ceremony at the point of "If any man here knows any impediment" with cries of "Murderer!" 33/1

George Bush to be surprisingly announced as Camilla's new husband after a three month court battle 4/1

Aliens to land on Windsor Castle during the ceremony 1,000,000/1

Queen and Prince Philip to attend ceremony 2,000,000/1

"Camilla" to win Grand National 1/4 (favourite)

Geplaatst: do apr 07, 2005 6:58 pm
door bluedaddy19
ok, i'm finally here! :redcard:

Geplaatst: vr apr 08, 2005 8:24 am
door Manneken Pis
ajaxnumberone schreef:It's so funny, What a pity ;) Does anyone have other sources to download ?
There's the German site...I don't have the web address to hand...can someone supply for "ajaxnumberone"?

Geplaatst: vr apr 08, 2005 2:52 pm
door ajaxnumberone
:cheer: Thanks Manneken Pis Is it ?? I've had some of that site, but it's not so interesting as :redcard: I myself think Can we have our own Ajax videos on our AjaxUsa website ??? :hypocrite:

Geplaatst: vr apr 08, 2005 3:09 pm
door Kowalczyk
ajaxnumberone schreef:I myself think Can we have our own Ajax videos on our AjaxUsa website ??? :hypocrite:
As long as I don't have to do anything for it (spending too much time on my little 'baby' alreaddy)... why not?



Geplaatst: vr apr 08, 2005 4:26 pm
door Blind3
If the aliens landing on Windsor Castle are driving a delivery van,like the news person the other day, they really have a good shot of disrupting the wedding. Police who say the castle is secure = :blush:

Geplaatst: za apr 09, 2005 10:59 am
door carcajou
Kowalczyk schreef:
ajaxnumberone schreef:I myself think Can we have our own Ajax videos on our AjaxUsa website ??? :hypocrite:
As long as I don't have to do anything for it (spending too much time on my little 'baby' alreaddy)... why not?


As long as the hosting fee from your space provider doesn't go throught the roof (which is unlikely with such a huge fan base)..........

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 1:09 pm
door raymon
Naughty, naughty, naughty former moderators...
The previous moderators (ajaxusa/afca 1900) have been banned. They were always treated fairly at soccerpages and a lot of trust was put in them. Sadly I have to report they miss-used that trust, and behaved in a very unprofessional manner. I would urge caution by any web master/anyone who is asked for an association by them. They have their own hidden agenda and will use unscrupulous methods to achieve their objectives. Buyer beware.
Would you please try to explain this?? :D

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 1:29 pm
door LucaS
moderators are not to be trusted, this much is certain!!!

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 1:53 pm
door Kowalczyk
Raymon schreef:Would you please try to explain this?? :D
Ummmmmmmm... no.


Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 1:54 pm
door joey
The previous moderators (ajaxusa/afca 1900) have been banned. They were always treated fairly at soccerpages and a lot of trust was put in them. Sadly I have to report they miss-used that trust, and behaved in a very unprofessional manner. I would urge caution by any web master/anyone who is asked for an association by them. They have their own hidden agenda and will use unscrupulous methods to achieve their objectives. Buyer beware.
Unprofessional? Hidden agenda? What have we got ourselves into? :shock: :scared:


Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 2:12 pm
door LucaS
Personally i find the use of unscrupulous methods much more disturbing.... :d3

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 2:52 pm
door Eric
unscrupulous methods always worked miracles on my foot rash.

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 5:24 pm
door Over Pasanens Head
Could it be an undercover plot funded by the CIA to control our hearts and our minds. Today AjaxTalk, tomorrow The World. :headbang:

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 5:49 pm
door carcajou
Can someone explain that to me ?

Whose quote is it ?

Is it an April's Fool Joke ?

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 8:01 pm
door Manneken Pis
Carcajou schreef:Can someone explain that to me ?

Whose quote is it ?

Is it an April's Fool Joke ?

It's from Soccerpages.
The moderator of the site ("gibbo") made the statement on the "New Sheriff in town (former moderators are GONE)" thread.

The site's back up and they have a new Ajax section moderator ("Wooden Shoes"), who assures everyone that things are going to be much better now that he's running it because he won't delete or move messages like the old moderators did......

The only problem is that I don't think there's anyone in there to read his message :eusa_doh:

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 8:21 pm
door carcajou
Manneken Pis schreef:
Carcajou schreef:Can someone explain that to me ?

Whose quote is it ?

Is it an April's Fool Joke ?

It's from Soccerpages.
The moderator of the site ("gibbo") made the statement on the "New Sheriff in town (former moderators are GONE)" thread.

The site's back up and they have a new Ajax section moderator ("Wooden Shoes"), who assures everyone that things are going to be much better now that he's running it because he won't delete or move messages like the old moderators did......

The only problem is that I don't think there's anyone in there to read his message :eusa_doh:
But that guy was one of the guys from back then and he seemed like a good guy to me... And now unleashes his bitterness all of a sudden without any reason. Now that is strange.

Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 8:53 pm
door Kowalczyk
Okay... Here we go. The SoccerPages story.

Let me start with an ironic 'prelude': two days before SoccerPages went down Gibbo posted in the Moderators' Lounge that I spent so much time and energy on the moderating of the Ajax Zone - and that, thanks to me, the Ajax Zone had developed into a very vibrant community and the by far busiest and most interesting zone on SP.

And now for the story...

Two days after that post SoccerPages went down. Which happened quite frequently, so I didn't worry. I was convinced it would return soon enough, as usual. But SoccerPages remained down. One week... two weeks... three weeks. I attempted at least five times to send Gibbo e-mail, in order to find out what was going on. I tried [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- but all the messages bounced back to me.

Nothing happened. After 28 days SoccerPages was still down and it slowly started to annoy me. I mean: we were Gibbo's partners. We were the moderators of the only busy zone of his forum. We were happy with SoccerPages; Gibbo was happy with us. I started wondering why he didn't bother to drop us a quick e-mail (Ramona, Raymon, Drecul and the others here at Ajax Talk did that immediately when the site got hacked and briefly went down). A brief note would have been enough: "Hi folks, site is down, working on it", or something like that. He had our e-mail addresses and they were working.

But we never heard anything from him and after four weeks (four weeks!) of waiting and trying to get in touch Jim and I decided to start looking out for a new discussion forum. We thought he had pulled the plug. So we moved to Ajax Talk. Again: before doing so we tried very hard to get hold of Gibbo and find out what was going on.

Now who was being 'unprofessional' here...?? Who never bothered to contact his partners...?

As for Wooden Shoes: "Gestapo like moderating"? I closed one thread that he started, because a similar thread already existed. I never deleted anything; I only 'directed traffic' to an existing thread. He completely freaked out at me in the Moderators' Lounge (calling me an idiot), after which I politely wrote a very long post to explain him what my point was. Then he was all friendly. He even sent me some pictures of his trip to Amsterdam and we exchanged a few friendly e-mails.

And now we're the Gestapo... Right.

Some of Gibbo's accusations are simply hilarious...

"They were always treated fairly at soccerpages and a lot of trust was
put in them. Sadly I have to report they miss-used that trust, and
behaved in a very unprofessional manner."

Trust was put in us...? He sounds like he told us his life story and we sold it to a tabloid or something. Come on. We moderated a zone of his forum; that was it. What trust...? We decided to move to another forum after over FOUR weeks (31 days in total) of trying to contact Gibbo and waiting for
SoccerPages to re-appear. If that's what he calls "miss-using his trust", then so be it.

He also wrote: "I would urge caution by any web master/anyone who is asked for an association by them."

Come on... If he had dropped us one simple e-mail after a week or two ("site down; working on it") we still would have been partners. The only thing we did was move somewhere else. Why would anyone have to be warned against us? Ridiculous.

He wrote: "They have their own hidden agenda and will use unscrupulous methods to achieve their objectives."

I won't even comment on that... A hidden agenda? Unscrupulous methods? Come on... Is this guy taking some chatting about footie ridiculously serious or what? He's acting as if we're some sort of terrorist organization.

Oh well - can't say that I care. But now you know.

(Do me one favour and don't defend us at SoccerPages. Just let it be. If you want to post there: feel free. But don't start a discussion about us. Not important enough.)


Geplaatst: ma apr 11, 2005 9:47 pm
door raymon
I think I have to put down a few words as well. A friend of mine pointed out this piece of text to me. And to me it was just hilarious. Simply because this is absolutely NOT the way I think of Ko and Jim. At all! And I'm absolutely not questening their motives. I simply thought it was a funny piece of text from someone who like to blame others for his own miserable administrating. So although Ko explained the situation, it was not my objective to get one. I can speak for the whole team that we are very pleased with our new moderators Ko and Jim and with the new group as a whole. :yes:

Geplaatst: di apr 12, 2005 12:09 am
door carcajou
Still..... It's strange. That guy was all candy-sweet and now he's like stabbing in the ass :redcard: :nooo: :nooo: :nooo:

Geplaatst: di apr 12, 2005 5:36 am
door Kowalczyk
Raymon schreef:A friend of mine pointed out this piece of text to me. And to me it was just hilarious.

This kid is very obviously warped - or an enormous drama queen at the very least. I mean: even if we Jim and I did call it quits for no reason and without ever replying to one of his numerous e-mails, then it would still be way over the top to speak of 'hidden agendas', 'unscrupulous methods' or even 'miss-use of trust'.

Even if we were KGB agents with a hidden agenda (like assassinating a Dutch politician or something), then what sense would it make to become the moderators of a footie discussion forum and, after a few years, move on to another one...? No matter what's on your hidden agenda, a footie discussion forum is - and always will be - just an enjoyable waste of time. It can impossibly be anything else than that.

Our 'hidden agenda': we wanted a discussion forum that actually worked.
The 'unscrupulous method' we used to achieve that objective: we left SoccerPages.


I find it also very amusing that we have actually been banned. For what? For going away...?

It's just not worth a discussion, really. I saw that Per and Manneken Pis posted some things to our defense. I'm sure your intentions are good, but the best way to make your point would be to ignore that nonsense. Who cares? SoccerPages is effectively dead now that we've left. If Wooden Shoes wishes to believe that he's liberated the forum from the Gestapo, then let him do so. No-one will read it anyway.
